Sunday, January 17, 2010

vin jaune

vin jaune is a white wine from Jura. it can be made anywhere in Jura, but it mostly comes from Arbois

in Chateau Chalon, all white wine must be Vin Jaune

100% Savagnin, fermented dry. It is then put into 225L wooden barrels that are at least 5 years old. The wine is left in these barrels for 6years and 3 months UNTOUCHED

The wine will lose 20% volume over this time and will develop a veil, or vouile

the vouile serves as anti-oxidant. protecting the wine from the air

the act of topping up barrels is referred to as 'ouillage' and vin jaune is subjected to 'pas ouillage'

the wine is bottled in a 62cl bottle called a clavlin. This is to represent the 20% loss of wine in the making.

If vin jaune is not bottled in a clavlin, but in a regular sized bottle, it must be called yellow jura wine

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