Sunday, March 14, 2010

Southern Oregon

Southern Oregon was made an AVA in 2004
made up of two distinct separate subs AVAs

Rogue Valley and Umpqua Valley

Umpqua Valley 
 is made up of the "100 valleys of Umpqua"
lots of criss-crossing valleys
cooler valleys are planted with PN and PG
warmer valleys are planted with BX varietals

3 distinct climates
Maritime- PN and reislings
Central- more temperate , BX varietals
Southern- warmer, arid. irrigation needed. varied soils, greater diurnal temps.

Redhill - Douglas County is a sub-AVA of Umpqua
only single vineyard AVA in OR
220 acres. Iron Rich red jury clay
Frost free at elevation
PN Char, Reisling
Maritime climate influences

Rogue Valley
is the southernmost AVA in OR (QUIZ QUESTION)

Warmest and driest AVA
Very varied soil. Not all area planted with vines. Lots of forests.
West is cooler, Mountain and Ocean influence. PN and PG planted
East higher elevations, warmer and drier.

Applegate Valley
The applegate valley separates the Rogue from North to South,
Stretching from the CA border, 50 miles to the Rouge River.
Deep well drained soils, warm days, cool nights
Merlot, Syrah, Zinfandel Chardonnay planted at up to 2000ft

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