Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Burgundy - AOC levels

Generic AOC

bourgogne blanc, bourgogne rouge, bourgogne passtoutgrains, are of the generic AOC level, aprox 21 at this level. they abide by 55hl/ha

Village or Commune

there are 44 AOCs producing 36% of all wine in burgandy.

better vineyards, better drainage, less direct sun.
50hl/ha yield levels, all fruit must come from within village bounderies, and bottles must be labeled with the villages name.

Premier Cru (1er Cru)

562 1er crus, making 12% of burgandy wine. Each are situtated higher on the slope, with ideal soil, great drainage, and moderate fertility with less exposure to the the elements and direct sunlight. 45hl/ha yield limits. all fruit must be sourced within the vineyard, and the label must include the village and the vineyard.

Grand Cru

there are about 35 grand crus making only 3% of burgandy wines.

35hl/ha, 100% from the vinyard site, and labeled with the name of the vineyard.

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