Tuesday, December 1, 2009

White wine making

most white grapes are destemmed, crushed and the MUST is pumped into a 32F steel tank for

cold settling

chilled to prevent fermentation, it sits for 12-18 hours, and let the solids settle. If certain yeast is desired, the must can be treated with sulpher dioxide SO2 to kill any indigenous yeast, and prevent oxidation. the MUST is then


racking is pumping off from above the sediment or any lees into another barrel, or tank, where yeast is then added, and temperature raised to let the yeast grow. yeast attacks sugar, creates more heat, CO2, alcohol.

sugar + yeast ---> alcohol, CO2

the fermentation tank is equipped with a cooling system to keep the wine from getting too hot, and spoiling the wine.

the wine is aged in whatever manner the winemaker sees fit, oak, steel, etc.

the wine is blended, and fined to remove impurities.

the wine can be filtered if desired. 10 grades.
0-3 are 'pre filtration'
4-9 are filtration

9 is the finest, 'sterile filtration' used with wines with residual sugar, keeps yeast out and prevents any unwanted bottle fermentation

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