Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Growth stages of the vines

La Taille

Cutting back last years growth from the trunk.

single guyot is the training of one vine off of the trunk, all plants in a row have the single vines training in the same direction.

double guyot is the training of two vines off the trunk in opposite directions.


like any tree or plant, the first green buds breaking out, the first leaves start to generate energy, beginning of the canopy


look up

fruit set
this is when the flower leaves drop and the proto grapes are dark green balls. they have no sugar, only acidity for approx 80 days

this is an important time, because the plant decides how many seeds to make. this changes yearly, and each grape in the bunch has the same amount of seeds. more seeds means less water, and lower flesh to water ratio which means more intense flavour.

but more seeds means more risk of breakage during the crush and broken seeds make bitter wine.

growth of season

the leaf set is pruned to balance the light and exposure the grapes get, yet maintain the energy produced through photosynthesis.

up until a month before harvest, grapes are still green, but growing.

the sugar spikes up. the skins turn from green to red, or green to yellow. ripen.

if temperature continues to increase during this time, sugar will continue to increase. acid will grow as well, but only to certain point then the acid levels will drop.

california grapes are often too hot, so there is too much sugar and the grapes still arent ripe, and the sugar levels reach 15-16% potential alcohol.

in CA grapes can get sunburned waiting to get ripe
in LI the grapes can get too much rain, and suck up all the water, diluting the juice.

birds and deer now can smell the fruit. deer can eat 30lbs of grapes a day. 5lbs to make 1 bottle.

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